Protect membership
Frequently asked questions
Protect benefits have been negotiated into your workplace agreement
Your employer has registered you with Protect because they are paying severance contributions and/or income protection insurance premiums to us on your behalf. The amounts paid will be in accordance with the terms of the industrial agreement that determines your pay and conditions, such as your enterprise bargaining agreement.
Severance or income protection contribution amounts differ for Protect members working under different agreements. You can contact your employer to access your agreement, or search via the Fair Work Commission website.
Only people registered by a Protect contributing employer can become worker members of Protect.
Expect a welcome pack and access to your membership card
Once your employer registers you with Protect, you will receive a welcome message with your membership number and information regarding the Protect services available to you. You may be eligible for a severance account, income protection or both. All members have access to free counselling.
Do I have to do anything?
1. Download the Protect App:
The ‘Protect Services’ App is available for download from the App Store or Google Play. The App lets you:
- Review employer contributions
- Check your current account balance
- Lodge a severance claim
- Access income protection claim forms
- View your membership card
- Change your password or contact details
- Contact us
2. Activate your account:
Using the membership number emailed to you and the contact details we have recorded on our database, you may activate your online account using either the Protect App or our website workers login portal
- Select 'new to Protect' on the App or ‘register for online access’ at the portal
- Verify your contact details and set a password so that you may then log in to manage your account. Note that the log in you create will work for both the App and portal.
Please note: unless we have your correct contact details, the generate password feature will not be useful to you. If you have any difficulty please call us on 1300 344 249.

Unfortunately no
Protect is limited to accepting contributions made under an industrial agreement and cannot accept registration of, or contributions from, individuals. This maintains the Fringe Benefits Tax exempt status of severance contributions to Protect, as an Australian Tax Office recognised Approved Worker Entitlement Fund. Protect income protection insurance is only offered as community cover, keeping premiums down and coverage up.
For more information:
Speak to your union for information on negotiating Protect into your workplace agreement.
Employers interested in joining can use our online enquiry form to kick off the application process or contact our Employer Relations Manager.
Your union
The following union branches support Protect, get in touch to find out if you are eligibile for Protect coverage:
Civil Construction
Fire Rescue
- MUA National office
- MUA NSW Branch
- MUA Qld Branch
- MUA SA Branch
- MUA Tas Branch
- MUA Vic Branch
- MUA WA Branch
... and we're here to help
Our Member Services Team is available to answer membership questions. Calling 1300 344 249 or emailng will also grant you access to our Field Officers.
The Protect Field Team travel the country meeting with members, detailing the benefits available and assisting with claims.
To secure their worker's benefits
Employers contribute to a Protect severance account on behalf of their workers to provide a safety net for them in case they become unemployed. Workers with a Protect account may make a claim due to:
- Redundancy
- Resignation
- Termination
- End of contract
- Promotion to an above award position
- Total and permanent disability

A policy that pays a benefit to you
If you have an illness or injury that arises from your work you would usually be compensated by WorkCover in Australia or the ACC in New Zealand. Protect income protection insurance pays out benefits to members who are unable to work due to a non-work related injury or illness. The cover is global, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Sometimes, but you'll need to check
Agreements that include income protection for non-apprentices will usually also include it for apprentices. Entitlement to severance contributions however, depends on your workplace agreement. In the electrical contracting industry, for example, it's usually only after completing your apprenticeship that you are entitled to receive severance payments.
Please check with your union or give us a call to determine your eligibility. Contact our Member Services Team on 1300 344 249 or via

Generally yes, but you'll need to check
If a Protect employer contributes severance and / or income protection for their full time employees, they generally must also contribute the same for their casual employees. However, you should also consult the wording of your certified agreement.
Speak to your union if you require information about your agreement.
The Protect App
The online workers portal
Features available to you via the App are also available online. Log in to the worker's portal using the yellow button available at the top right of every page of this website.
The log in area for worker members
Account management features available to you via the Protect Services App are also available online. Log in to the worker's portal using the yellow button available at the top right of every page of this website.
USE the App:
- Download the Protect Services App
Australian links: App Store and Google Play
New Zealnad link: App Store - Select ‘new to Protect’
Follow the prompts to verify your contact details and set yourself a password.
Two factor authentication (2FA) is enabled. The App will send you a unique one-time passcode via text message to complete login. 2FA will then be required for all future App access. Facial recognition is also enabled and will avoid repeated password entry requirements.
or... USE the workers portal:
- Jump online
Once you have been provided your membership number, new members should visit the workers portal, accessible via the yellow worker login button on every page of this website. - Select ‘Register for online access’
Follow the prompts to verify your contact details and set yourself a password. Please allow up to ten minutes for your password to be registered on our system. You may then log in to manage your account.
What if I have already had access and have forgotten my password?
Both the App and workers portal have a ‘forgotten password’ feature that you can use to reset your access at your convenience.
How many passwordS will I need?
Just one. Once you have set yourself a new password, your login details will work for both the App and workers portal.
Why can't I generate a password?
Unless we have your correct date of birth and contact details including email address and mobile number, the generate password feature will not be useful to you. If you have any difficulty please call us on 1300 344 249.
Select the link to reset your password
You can use the 'forgotten password' feature on the App or via the workers portal to reset your password.
- Select the 'forgot password' link.
- Enter your membership number or the email address we have on file for you.
- For security purposes you will be sent a verification code if using the App. Enter the code when directed and you may then reset your password. If you're using the workers portal you will be sent a link to complete the update process.
Having trouble?
If you don't know your membership number, or we do not have your correct contact details, you will not be able to make use of the 'forgot password' feature on either the Protect App or workers portal. Instead, please email or use the 'contact us form' to request access to your online account.
Option 1
Update via your online account
Once you have set yourself up with online access to your account you may follow these steps to update your contact details:
- Log in to the members portal using the yellow 'workers login' button available at the top of every page of this website using your membership number and password.
- From the dropdown menu at the top left of the screen, select 'Account Details / Balance'
- Select 'Edit Account Details' at the top of the screen
- Update your details as required
- Press 'Submit'
Option 2
Use the Protect App
If you've registered for online access, your password will also log you in to the Protect App. To update your contacts:
- Log in to the App
- Navigate to the 'me' tab at the bottom right of screen
- Select ' Contact Details'
- Update as required
Download the Aussie Protect App:
Download the New Zealand Protect App:

Phone 1300 725 881
Call Protect Counselling on 1300 725 881 (free call) for immediate access to our independent counselling service.
The service operates Australia-wide, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is available to Protect employers, workers and their immediate family, irrespective of your industry via a free phone service. Free face-to-face sessions at an independent location, as well as on-site counselling services in response to emergency situations are also available.