You have mail
Statements, letters and your copy of the Protect newsletter will be in letterboxes from today
Statements are mailed to active members with a severance balance in July and January each year, other members who have income protection cover through Protect receive a letter of confirmation that premiums are being paid by your employer, and all members receive a copy of our newsletter.
We're going paperless
Protect members have been remarkably resilient throughout the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and have adapted to electronic management of their Protect accounts extremely well. Download rates of the Protect App and numbers visiting our website broke records in March this year, as members used electronic resources to access their accounts, answer their queries and claim their funds. Protect have also made adjustments to allow for the practicalities of living through a pandemic; for example we have temporarily removed the need for signed statutory declarations to accompany claims as it became an obstacle for people during lock down.
We will extend on the technological embracement as we prepare to provide Protect members with paperless statements and news updates. Providing your account information online will give you more convenient access to your statements, which you can then print as needed.
Socially responsible
The provision of electronic statements is an obvious improvement for members but it will also have environmental advantages. It's a socially responsible initiative that will support our carbon neutral organisation certification.
What do you have to do?
Electronic statements are likely to be introduced around the end of this year however in order to proceed it is imperative that we have your correct contact details:
- mobile number
- email address
You can update your contact details via the App or your online account or you can contact our Member Services Team on 1300 344 249 to ensure you don't miss important information about your Protect account.
Register for online services
Find the answers to frequently asked questions about online account options including where to download the App and registering for first use: FAQ - online account and App
Forgotten your password?
If you've forgotten your password or you're not sure if you have previously been issued with a password in order to log in to the App or your account, you can now reset yourself by using the 'forgotten password' function available on both the App and online at the workers portal.

The Buzz
This edition of The Buzz is all about COVID-19. CEO Michael Connolly explains how well Protect has weathered the pandemic and our Member Services Team provide invaluable information about the support we’re able to offer affected members, including new hardship payments.
We hear from AWU delegate John, on the vote to support Protect at the Westgate Tunnel Project and also from delegates in the Lift industry, Rick and Noel on why they chose Protect as their severance fund. Shane from Fire Rescue Victoria gives us a first-hand glimpse in to life as a first responder and Maritime members generously share their experience making a Protect claim.
We remind you that free counselling is always available to you and you family. Like many services, face to face counselling has ceased temporarily due to restrictions enforced by the virus, however phone and online support is available – phone 1300 725 881.
And in good news, the tax free threshold for genuine redundancy claims increased this month, read The Buzz for more details.